Visual Concept
Embarking on a Journey of Solidarity and Excellence
In the vibrant tapestry of our corporate identity, the Espire Infolabs stands for the unwavering commitment to unity, progress, and shared aspirations within our community of customers, partners & employees.
Brand Logo
Our logo is a visual narrative that symbolizes the solidarity among our valued customers, trusted partners, and dedicated employees.
The upward trajectory within our logo is a metaphorical ascent to new heights. It reflects our collective journey toward continuous improvement and excellence. Espire Infolabs, along with its community, is on a perpetual climb, guided by the shared values encapsulated in our motto. it's a dynamic symbol of dreams realized, actions taken, and unity forged.
Looking to download our logo?
Before you use our logo, please refer to our trademark license and use guidelines specified in your contract for further information. If you have questions, please contact us.
Brand Color Guidelines
The coloration of the Espire logo is an essential element in setting a recognizable tone and look for identity. Consistent use of color enhances the strength of the identity.
The primary color for the logo is Blue which is accompanied by Grey and Black.
As a rule, the Pantone colors represent the most exact matches of the brand colors, and should be used primarily. Alternatively, CMYK values can be used when Pantone is not available. For onscreen uses (presentations, email, and other digital applications) the RGB values should be used.
To ensure that the logo remains visually distinct and easily recognizable, kindly provide ample breathing room so that the logo can command attention, facilitating instant brand recall. This distinction becomes increasingly important in diverse contexts, from digital platforms to physical collateral, where a clutter-free environment enhances the logo's visibility. We request you to kindly adhere to the minimum amount of clear space around the logo. The clear space is equal to the height of logotype.
With tagline

Without tagline

Minimum Size
In case of limited space, where the logo size needs to be small, we recommend you to not use the logo below the mentioned size for any digital or print purposes.

Ideal Small Sizes Print

Minimum Approved Sizes Print

Too Small for Print
Background Control
Dark Pallete >> White Logo
Light Pallete >> Dark Logo
Incorrect Logo Usage
Altering or recreating the Espire logo in any way is not allowed. We request you to kindly refer to the examples below to understand the incorrect uses and treatments of the Espire Brand Logo.

Do not change color combination

Do not change the Position of the logo

Don't add shadows or gradients to the logos

Don’t stretch or distort the logo

Do not modify the font of the logos

Use proper background colors